Saturday, June 20, 2009

Desert, Not Dessert...

June 19: In the middle of the Mojave

I said to Anna today that I have never been so uncomfortable in my life. I think it is true. We are sitting under a river (aqueduct) of water on its way to Los Angeles at the bridge over dried-up Cottonwood Creek.

We got through a HOT 17 mile road walk and are most of the way across the Mojave Desert floor. To make today easier on ourselves we got up and night hiked by headlamp at 3:00AM. It was a chilly 70 degrees last night and by 8:00AM it was up over 100. It is 95 now in the shade and we do not plan on moving until this evening when we will start climbing into the Tehachapi Mountains, which have been described to us as giant piles of loose sand... Wahoo!

Wow, just checked in with the weatherman: 120+ in the sun now at 1:00PM.

Being in the middle of this desert has been humbling. The view to the East is of a seemingly endless expanse of sand, heat, and prickly plants once in a while. We can not begin to capture the hugeness in pictures. There is so much life and death all around us. Lizards eating ants, snakes eating lizards, snakes eating other snakes, and we are just watching our steps.

I have been amazed by Anna's determination and grit as she pushes on despite continued abdominal soreness and her broken wrist. I doubt I would have kept going if I were her. She is getting stronger each day but her physical limitations to do odd tasks like packing her backpack or get in and out of the tent frustrate her.

There is so much more to say, I will have to leave it for another entry.


home said...

Is there any dessert in the desert? Wish I could send you some of ours - just finished a peach pie for Grandpa D and an apple cake for Dad to celebrate Father's Day. It sure was good to hear from you again! We think of you all the time and are with you every step of the way in spirit! Love from home, Mom & Dad C, & Monica (woof from Bernie too!)

Anonymous said...

Greetings from rainy New Zealand! Glad you guys are both hanging in there. Wellington is being pelted with heavy rain and blasted with gusty Antarctic southerlies. In some ways, it couldn't be more different from what you're experiencing in the Mojave. Hope things cool off once you get up in the Tehachapis.

Mary Harvest Kitchen said...

hello sweet angels. I am so happy to hear that you're back on your way and you sound happy, and that you've had so many helping hands along the way. Do you know where you'll be for bluebird's birthday? I pray for you all the time and I know it's not just bluebird who is showing strength and determination--she is lucky to have a supporter like you, buster! so much love.

Christopher Blinn said...

we hiked some virgin forests thinking of you today. We also crossed the AT at Stecoah Gap, just south of Fontana Village in our car journey. Hope you're doing well. We'll send some pictures from our visit with the Turkingtons at Hemlock Inn.
