Thursday, June 4, 2009

Good and Bad News

Well the good news is that we made it through our 9-day stretch to get to Aqua Dulce with relative ease. Since Big Bear we have stuck with Monologue and the three of us pushed each other through a string of long days with big climbs. The hiking was through a huge variety of climate zones and trail conditions. A recent geologic highlight was walking through Vasquez Rocks County Park.

The bad news is that Bluebird has had a bicycle accident when she was riding back to the Saufley's from having lunch in town. I was just ahead of her when I heard her go down and I went back to help her. She said her skirt had gotten caught somewhere in the bicycle and was trying to get it untangled when she lost control. She went into shock briefly after realizing she was really hurt and I flagged down a car and amid a buzz of on-lookers and fellow worried hikers we rode off by ambulance to the local hospital.

After being seen in the ER and having x-rays and cat scans taken, it looks like she has a chip fracture on her right wrist (most likely from trying to break her fall) and abdominal pain that the source has yet to be determined but is worst when taking deap breaths, laughing or caughing.

The trauma surgeon explained that the pain could be a number of things the worst of which could be a tear in an intestinal wall which would need to be operated on when found. The other options would be a tear in the spline or liver which will heal themselves after some recovery time.

Now we are awaiting the results of a third cat scan and Anna has said she is feeling a little better, but has a headache and her wrist is throbbing when not on morphine.

So far we have been in the hospital for about 20 hours and it looks like we will be staying another day. The Saufley's being as generous as the are have told us we are welcome to stay with them while Anna is healing.

This puts forward progress of the hike on hold while all efforts will be on Anna healing. We have thought of skipping ahead to Kenedy Meadows and finishing the 250 miles of desert in the Fall after we reach Canada. And although nothing has been said of it, I could always go on alone if recovery winds up being a long process (of course that would be a last resort and completely change the trip).

I am hoping for some good news soon, and thankfull to all our concerned family, friends and the fellow hikers/trail angels who are worrying for us with empathy.


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! I hope the recovery is a speedy one and that the source of abdominal pain is found quickly and attended to readily. You're both in my thoughts.

Much love,

home said...

Sorry to hear of your accident Bluebird! Buster tells us you'll be getting a wrist cast today. Hope other symptoms have continued to improve - will call to check in later today or tonight. Looking for a bright side here... glad you are together, able to get help, and if it had to happen - thankful for the Saufleys providing you a place to heal! love always, mom & dad c

Mary Harvest Kitchen said...

hello sweet ones,
Well, this is a setback. And you were doing so well. I hope that Bluebird, your healing goes swiftly and that you and Buster are able to enjoy your time together in such a beautiful area. I am sure that you will find a way to continue your adventure soon--I guess this is just part of it.
You are so much in my prayers, today and always.

Anonymous said...

Get well soon, Anna! Tell us your reflections on this part of the journey...

Anonymous said...

BTW, where are you exactly?

Karen said...

Anna, I am so sorry to read about your accident and the set-back, but you are a determined woman and will heal well and move on I am certain of it! Take care and keep us posted!