Monday, June 1, 2009


May 31st:

Well after 18 days of clear blue skies we finally got some rain. It actually sprinkled on us after we left Cajon Pass but we camped without serious rain until last night when we were up around 8000 feet coming down to Inspiration Point.

After hiking the AT with week-long rains you would think an afternoon shower would not bother us. But at high elevation when the clouds roll in, it gets down right cold. Throw in some driving wind and rain and its not very pleasant.

On a brighter note the past two days have been physically challenging and we have made it through with relative ease. Yesterday we had a 17 mile climb with no water along the way, and today we climbed steep Mt Baden-Powell and had an end of day road walk detour around a closed section to protect the mountain yellow-legged frog.

We are felling stronger every day and are planning to hike 25 miles tomorrow. Looking forward to meeting Donna & Jeff Saufley in Aqua Dulce. Hoping we can get a ride to the REI outfitter so I can get some new socks and Anna can get some pants to hike in to keep the mosquitos up North away.

I was thinking today about someone who said that they would tell anyone to drop what they are doing to come out and hike the PCT. I would not tell everyone that. It is an amazingly scenic trail so far, but there are parts of being a thru-hiker that are very tough. There is the constant worry that the next water source will be running, trying to avoid stepping on rattlesnakes, staying out of the sun when you can, keeping one eye open at night making sure bears (or racoons) are not trying to get to your food, and plenty of places you do not want to fall. It is definately not for everyone, but I am enjoying it.


Unknown said...

We are proud of you two, taking in the majesty of the western ramparts, making and renewing frieindships, trusting each other as sources of motivation and strength. Have a great time in Agua Dulce! Love, Dad B

Unknown said...

Hey Anna and Garrett,

You sound like you are becoming well acclimated to the various climates and having a great time. Congrats! I have read each of your blogs but did not realize that I could correspond with you until Mark mentioned it a few days ago.

Anna, we miss you during CD each week but are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. The whole group reads your blogs and is continually amazed and inspired. Personally, I am really enjoying your comments about the climate. Though the climate in California differs from New Mexico, it has a lot of similarities as well. How are you enjoying the sunsets? They have always been one of my favorite parts, along with the smell of rain and the cooling temperatures during the evenings and in the mountains.

I am still having some difficulty with my family but am trying to find time to see my Dad in Boston sometime in June. Holt recently got a 1 year old beagle named Ally and we are having a great time with her.

Looking forward to hearing more from you soon. I am very proud of both of you.



Oh, I almost forgot. I am really enjoying cooking new things with many of the foods you gave me. Thanks a lot.

Anonymous said...

Racoons, bears, and rattlesnakes. Sounds lovely.